Behringer U-Control UMX250 ユーザーズマニュアル

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U-CONTROL UMX250 User Manual
6)  Now define the BANK LSB by pressing the BANK LSB key. Use the procedure 
described above to enter the BANK LSB value (see step 5). The entry follows 
the same rules as were described for the BANK MSB. In steps 5 and 6 you 
have defined the bank from which the desired program will be selected. 
Now define the program itself:
7)  Press the PROGRAM key followed by the number keys on the keyboard to 
enter the program number of your choice.Only values between 0 and 127 can 
be entered. Higher values are ignored by the device. That’s all!
8)  Confirm your selection with ENTER. To discard your assignments either press 
the CANCEL key or the ASSIGN button again. In either case, the ASSIGN LED 
goes out.
You want to use the UMX250 to select preset #49 in bank #25 on an external 
device over channel 14. Since the bank number of sound modules is often smaller 
than 128, only the LSB is used to define the bank. The MSB is 0 in this case.
1)  Press the ASSIGN button and keep it pressed.
2)  Press the SINGLE key.
3)  Release the ASSIGN button.
4)  Define the MIDI channel by pressing keys  
(  1  )
(  4  )
5)  Press the BANK MSB key and then  
(  0  )
6)  Press the BANK LSB key and then keys  
(  2  )
(  5  )
  to select bank #25.
7)  Define the program by pressing the PROGRAM key followed by keys  
(  4  )
(  9  )
  to select program #49.
8)  Press the ENTER key.
c)  Direct program selection using the OCTAVE SHIFT buttons.
1)  Press the ASSIGN button and keep it pressed.
2)  Press the one of the two OCTAVE SHIFT buttons to which you want to assign 
the program change function.
3)  Release the ASSIGN button.
4)  Press the PROG DIR key. Press the number keys on the keyboard to enter 
the preset number of your choice. Only values between 0 and 127 can be 
entered. Higher values are ignored by the device.
5)  Confirm your selection with ENTER. To discard your assignments either press 
the CANCEL key or the ASSIGN button again. In either case the ASSIGN LED 
goes out.
If you have not yet assigned an individual MIDI channel to the 
OCTAVE SHIFT buttons (see Chapter 4.2.2), the direct selection of 
programs always refers to the GLOBAL CHANNEL! 
As soon as you have assigned the direct program selection feature 
to one of the two OCTAVE SHIFT buttons, pressing both buttons 
simultaneously will do NOTHING at all!
4.2.9  Other functions of the octave shift buttons
After power-up, the OCTAVE SHIFT buttons are set to their initial state 
(see Table 3.1 on page 7). In addition to the program change and octave shift 
functions already described, you can assign a few special functions to the 
OCTAVE SHIFT buttons in ASSIGN mode:
a)  Transposition by single half-tones
b)  Scrolling in program libraries
c)  Various controller functions:
As soon as a function has been assigned to one of the two buttons, 
the second button automatically performs the same function—
however with limited functionality. As long as you have not assigned 
a particular function to this button in ASSIGN mode, it will not send 
any data.
a)  Transposition by single semitones:
1)  Press the ASSIGN button and keep it pressed.
2)  Press the TRANSP +/- key.
3)  Release the ASSIGN button.
4)  Confirm your selection with ENTER. To discard your assignments either press 
the CANCEL key or the ASSIGN button again.
Pressing the right-hand button transposes the pitch up by one half-tone, 
pressing the left-hand button transposes the pitch down by one semitone. 
Pressing both buttons simultaneously cancels any transposition made before.
According to the MIDI standard, a keyboard comprises a maximum 
of 128 semitones. When you reach the lower and upper limits of this 
range using the transpose function, any further keypress will not 
raise or lower the pitch any more.This also applies to the transposition 
by octaves.
b)  Scrolling in program libraries:
Most sound modules allow you to store presets in a separate bank, often referred 
to as user bank. If the order of the songs to be played during a gig is fixed, 
you can use the user bank to store all sounds used in concert one after the other 
and concentrate entirely on your performance. Thanks to the OCTAVE SHIFT 
buttons you don’t have to bother any more with searching sounds in your various 
sound modules.
1)  Press the ASSIGN button and keep it pressed.
2)  Press the PROG +/- key.
3)  Release the ASSIGN button.
4)  Confirm your selection with ENTER. To discard your assignments either press 
the CANCEL key or the ASSIGN button again.
Pressing the right-hand OCTAVE SHIFT button switches the presets up by one 
number on the external sound module, pressing the left-hand OCTAVE SHIFT 
button switches the presets down by one number. Pressing both buttons 
simultaneously switches back to preset 0 in the current bank.
Remember to assign the OCTAVE SHIFT buttons to an individual MIDI channel if 
you do not want to use the GLOBAL CHANNEL (see Chapter 4.2.2).
When using the stepwise search function, the channel assignment 
involves both buttons. Assigning an individual channel to one of the 
two buttons is not supported.
c)  Various controller functions:
Please note that the OCTAVE SHIFT buttons generate switch controller 
information if assigned to a controller. They always generate a value of 0 or 127.
Two exceptions: If you assign the OCTAVE SHIFT buttons to controller 
CC 07 (Channel Volume), pressing either of the two buttons generates 
the value 0. With controller CC 10 (Panorama), the value generated by 
pressing either of the buttons is 64.
Please note that when a controller has been assigned, pressing both 
buttons simultaneously has no effect.
1)  Press the ASSIGN button and keep it pressed.
2)  Press the one of the two OCTAVE SHIFT buttons to which you want to assign 
a controller.