Black Box Appliance Trim Kit ET1000A ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 352
Provisioning Appliances
EncrypTight User Guide
Adding a New Appliance
Adding a new appliance in ETEMS is the first step in being able to manage it remotely. Configuration 
screens are tailored to a particular combination of hardware and software, so it is important to select the 
correct product family and software version when adding a new appliance.
Figure 26
New Appliance editor for the ET1000A
To add a new appliance:
1 On  the  File menu, click New Appliance
2 In the appliance editor, select the product family and software version of the new appliance. The 
appropriate configuration screen appears for your selection.
3 Enter the appliance name, which uniquely identifies the appliance in ETEMS.
4 For ETEPs with software version 1.6 or later, enter the throughput speed at which you want the ETEP 
to run. The throughput speed varies according to the ETEP model and the license that you purchased. 
For more information about licenses, see 
5 Define the appliance configuration and save it. For information about appliance-specific settings see 
the appliance configuration chapters of this document.
6 Push configurations to the appliances.
7 Refresh the appliance status. 
8 Add users and passwords.
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