Beaumont Products MPEG - 1 ユーザーズマニュアル

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V B R I C K   E T H E R N E T V   S E T   T O P   B O X   U S E R S   G U I D E    
V E R S I O N   3 . 6 . 9  
IP Address 
To determine the IP address of the set top box when configured using DHCP:   
1.  Connect a keyboard and TV monitor to the set top box and apply power, or use the 
(optional) wireless keyboard.   
2.  Wait for the set top box to completely power up before continuing to the next step. 
3. Press 
CTL-ALT-F1 on the keyboard to reach the command line. 
4. Enter 
ifconfig at the prompt. This lists the network interface configuration and some 
5.  All set top boxes are shipped with DHCP enabled.  If there is a DHCP server the set top 
box will report its assigned address as inet addr.  If no DHCP server is available 
proceed to the next step. 
After finding the IP address, it is preferable to exit the set top box and use the 
web interface to complete the changes.   
Press CTL-ALT-F2 to return to the Home page. 
To continue making the entries in the Command Line of the set top box:       
6. Enter 
pman to enter the setup program. 
7. Select 
Parameters (using the down arrow and the enter key). 
8. Select 
Network (using the down arrow and the enter key). 
9. Select 
Ethernet (using the down arrow and the enter key). 
10. Select IP address  (using the down arrow and the enter key).  Enter the IP address 
using the keyboard and the enter key.     
NOTE:  To change entries indicated with a “*”, use the down arrow to move to the 
correct entry and use the spacebar to select.   
11.  When prompted for a User name and Password (lower case and case sensitive): 
User name: root 
Password: admin 
Select enter key to reach OK and enter key.   
NOTE:  The first units, shipped on 7/18/03, were given the (case sensitive) default 
password: tuxia.  If this is an upgrade, and this is a set top box that requires the 
password tuxia, please contact VBrick Support Services at (203) 303-0222.   
12.  Enter other parameters at this time: Gateway address, netmask, Current Configuration 
using the keyboard and the enter key.   
13.  To set the IP address to a static IP address: 
Change DHCP Enable to Static
NOTE:  To change entries indicated with a “*”, use the down arrow to move to the 
correct entry and use the spacebar  to select.   
14.  If DHCP Enable is configured as Static, or if DNS via DHCP is no: Enter the IP address 
of the Nameserver as follows:   
Select Network (using the down arrow and the enter key).   
Select Network again (using the down arrow and the enter key). 
NOTE:  If there is more than one Nameserver, separate the entries with the pipe or 
vertical bar (‘|’), e.g.|   
C O P Y R I G H T   V B R I C K   S Y S T E M S  
P A G E   8  
N O V E M B E R   1 0 ,   2 0 0 3