York MPADC ユーザーズマニュアル

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XIII. Questions and Answers
Will low pH or acid water affect the Multi-
Pure filter? 
Mineral components expressed as acidity 
and alkalinity determine pH.  Neutrality is 7; 
below 7 is acidity; above 7 is alkalinity.
Does deionized water or soft water have 
any affect on Multi-Pure water?
Can the Multi-Pure System be connected to 
an automatic ice-maker?
The below sink models can be connected to 
both your sink and refrigerator, to any type of 
water  dispenser or ice-maker.  You can use 
the same unit installed under your sink to 
also filter the water at your refrigerator.
To connect a single Drinking Water System 
to both your sink and refrigerator, request an 
"ice-maker tee" on the order form.
Can the Multi-Pure System be used during 
an emergency or when the water is turned 
Yes, you can hand pump or siphon water 
through the Multi-Pure System during an 
emergency.  CAUTION -- the Multi-Pure 
System is not intended to be used where the 
water is microbiologically unsafe or with 
water of unknown quality without adequate 
disinfection before or after the unit.
If water source is questionably 
contaminated, it should be disinfected prior 
to use.  Add ¼ tsp of household bleach per 
gallon of water; the Multi-Pure System will 
remove this solution from the water.  Hand 
pump kits are available from Multi-Pure.
What causes "white" particles to appear in 
Multi-Pure water when it is frozen or 
The natural minerals in the Multi-Pure water 
solidify when the water is frozen, and those 
minerals appear as white flakes or specks 
when the ice melts.
Natural minerals are beneficial to good 
health and their existence in drinking water 
(in normal quantities) should not cause any 
alarm.  Minerals can be removed by Reverse 
Osmosis technology, which is also available 
from Multi-Pure on request. 
Why does the Multi-Pure System reduce 
Volatile Organic Chemicals, but not natural 
Minerals are totally dissolved in solution and 
do not have an actual physical size; thus, the 
minerals pass through the filter unchanged.
The materials used in Multi-Pure Drinking 
Water Systems are specially selected for 
their ability to react with the chemicals in the 
water, but not with natural minerals that are 
beneficial to good health.
Should sediment be removed with a 
standard filter first?
In areas with excessive sedimentation, 
prefiltration will help extend the operational 
efficiency of the Multi-Pure cartridge; 
however, in most areas this is not 
The Multi-Pure System contains a triple filter.  
The outside material is a prefilter that helps 
protect the solid carbon block surface from 
prematurely clogging with large sediment.
Why is the compressed activated carbon 
block filtration system more efficient than 
activated carbon (loose granular) 
Multi-Pure's solid carbon block filters are 
compacted into a dense structure causing 
every molecule of water to be forced through 
microscopic pores of carbon, effectively 
reducing a wide range of contaminants of 
health concern (see Section 3), as well as 
adsorbing tastes and odors and removing 
particulate matter removed by typical 
activated carbon filters.
The Water Quality Association reports that 
"an activated carbon filter can reduce 
organics and solid particles, as well as 
offensive tastes and odors."  Only precoat 
and solid carbon block filters are engineered 
to provide 0.5 micron mechanical filtration.
What is the difference between a "water 
softener" and the Multi-Pure Drinking 
Water System?
Softeners are not used to treat drinking 
water; they are used only to change the water 
hardness.  Softeners put sodium into the 
water in exchange for magnesium or 
calcium ions.  Multi-Pure Drinking Water 
Systems do not remove dissolved minerals, 
so, the pH is not changed.  Natural minerals 
most often found in water are considered to 
be essential to good health.
Soft water is good for bathing and laundering 
and may extend the life of hot water heaters 
and boilers.  However, soft water should not 
be used for watering plants or lawns.  It is 
recommended that you bypass a water 
softener when installing your Multi-Pure 
Drinking Water System.
Can the Multi-Pure System be used   on 
untreated water?
If water source is questionable, it should be 
disinfected prior to use.  Add ¼ tsp of 
household bleach per gallon of water; the 
Multi-Pure System will remove this solution 
from the water.  Consult your nearest public 
water utility for assistance or guidelines on 
proper treatment of untreated water.
Multi-Pure Systems are designed to be used 
on treated water systems; they are not 
intended to be used where the water is 
microbiologically unsafe or with water of 
unknown quality without adequate 
disinfection before or after the unit.  Systems 
certified for cyst reduction may be be used 
on disinfected waters that may contain 
filterable cysts.