Pelco Server C1553M-B ユーザーズマニュアル

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C1553M-B (4/05)
Figure 102.  Sample Logical Mapping
To use the KBD300A logical mapping feature you must complete the following tasks:
Enable a unique device number for each VMX300(-E) device that you want to map to the keyboard. This task is done in the Edit Local Set-
tings dialog box for the specific device. Instructions are provided in the Enable Camera and Monitor Device Numbers section. 
Map the device numbers to a keyboard number for the specific keyboard. This task is completed on the Logical Mapping tab of the Add 
New Pelco KBD300 dialog box (or you can configure these settings after you have added the keyboard to the server configuration, in the Edit 
Properties dialog box). Instructions are provided in the Configure the Logical Mapping Tab section.
1. Right-click the camera or monitor in the Object Browser, and then select Local Settings from the pop-up menu. The Edit Local Settings 
dialog box opens.
Figure 103.  Edit Local Settings Dialog Box