North Star COOLPIX S205 ユーザーガイド

ページ / 184
Focusing on a Moving Subject (Subject Tracking Mode)
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Notes on Subject Tracking Mode
• Digital zoom is not available.
• Adjust zoom position, exposure, menu settings, and flash mode prior to selecting the subject. If 
any camera setting is changed after the subject has been selected, subject selection will be 
• It may be impossible to select the desired subject, or the camera may be unable to track the 
selected subject or may begin tracking a different subject, if the subject is moving rapidly, if there 
is a significant amount of camera shake, or if the camera recognizes a similar subject. The camera’s 
ability to accurately track the selected subject is also dependent upon the size and brightness of 
the subject.
• In some rare cases, subjects with which autofocus may not perform as expected (
A 27) may be 
out of focus despite the fact that the focus area indicator glows green. Should this occur, switch to 
A (auto) mode and set AF area mode (A 44) to Manual or Center, refocus on another subject 
positioned at the same distance from the camera as the actual portrait subject, and use focus lock 
Functions Available in Subject Tracking Mode
• Flash mode (
A 30) and exposure compensation (A 34) settings can be adjusted.
• Self-timer(
A 32) and macro mode (A 33) cannot be used.
• Press the 
d button to display the s (subject tracking) menu and adjust Image mode and 
Autofocus mode (