Galil COMMAND REFRENNCE DMC-1400 ユーザーズマニュアル

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126 ● LI  
   DMC-1400 Series Command Reference 
FUNCTION:  Linear Interpolation Distance 
The LI x,y command specifies the incremental distance of travel for each axis in the Linear 
Interpolation (LM) mode.  LI parameters are relative distances given with respect to the 
current axis positions.  Up to 511 LI specifications may be given ahead of the Begin 
Sequence (BGS) command.  Additional LI commands may be sent during motion when 
the controller sequence buffer frees additional spaces for new vector segments.  The 
Linear End (LE) command must be given after the last LI specification in a sequence.  
This command tells the controller to decelerate to a stop at the last LI command.  It is the 
responsibility of the user to keep enough LI segments in the controller's sequence buffer 
to ensure continuous motion.   
LM ? Returns the available spaces for LI segments that can be sent to the buffer.  255 returned 
means the buffer is empty and 255 LI segments can be sent.  A zero means the buffer is 
full and no additional segments can be sent.  It should be noted that the controller 
computes the vector speed based on the axes specified in the LM mode.  For example, 
LM XY designates linear interpolation for the X and Y axes.  The speed of these axes 
will be computed from VS
 where XS and YS are the speed of the X and Y 
axes.  The controller always uses the axis specifications from LM, not LI, to compute the 
speed.  The parameters o and p are optional and can be used to define the vector speed 
that is attached to the motion segment. 
ARGUMENTS:  LI n,n <o >p        or 
LIX=n        where 
n is a signed integer in the range -8,388,607 to 8,388,607 and represents the incremental move 
distance (at least one n must be non-zero) 
o specifies a vector speed to be taken into effect at the execution of the linear segment.  o is an 
unsigned even integer between 0 and 12,000,000 for servo motor operation and between 
0 and 3,000,000 for stepper motors. 
p specifies a vector speed to be achieved at the end of the linear segment.  p is an unsigned 
even integer between 0 and 12,000,000. 
While Moving 
Default Value 
In a Program 
Default Format 
Command Line 
Controller Usage 
Linear end 
BGS - Begin sequence 
Linear Interpolation Mode 
Clear Sequence 
Vector Speed 
Vector Acceleration 
Vector Deceleration