Multi Tech Equipment MultiModemZBA MT5634ZBA-V-V92 ユーザーズマニュアル

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7   Modem on Hold Operation
MultiModemZBA-V-V92 User Guide
V.92 Modem on Hold Settings
Select this option to open the V.92 Modem on Hold Settings dialog box. (You can also open this
dialog box by double-clicking the MTMoh icon.) Use the V.92 Modem on Hold Settings dialog box
to configure Modem on Hold operations.
Disable Modem on Hold
Select if you do not want to use Modem on Hold.
Enable Modem on Hold
Select if you want the remote modem to be put on hold when you receive a voice call. The Call
dialog box will notify you of an incoming voice call and display Caller ID info, if it is available.
Enable Caller ID
Select if you have Caller ID service and want MTMoh to display information about the caller.
Note: For Caller ID, you must set S0=2 or greater. See S0 on page 41.
Warn before timeout
Select to have MTMoh warn you when the hold time is about to expire. Click the down arrow to select
how far in advance you want to be warned.