LG GDK-20W ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 98
        WARNING : 
"This equipment generates and uses R.F. energy, and if not installed and used in 
accordance with the Instruction Manual, it may cause interference to radio communications. 
It has been tested and found to comply with the appropriate limits for a telecommunication 
device. The limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference, 
when operated in a commercial environment. 
Operation of this equipment in a residential area could cause interference, in which case the user, at 
his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the 
The GDK-20W Digital Wireless Key Telephone System has been designed to comply with the Hearing Aid 
Compatibility requirements as defined in Section 68.316 of Part 68 FCC Rules. 
The pictures in this manual are for illustrative purposes only; your actual hardware may look slightly different. 
Interference and Attenuation 
The presence of another unsynchronized DECT system(including GDK-20W) or similar system in adjacent buildings may 
cause a strong interference and disconnection.   
A base station and a wireless terminal may interfere with sensitive laboratory equipment, medical equipment, etc. 
Interference from unsuppressed engines or electric motors may cause problems. In general, signals are attenuated to 
some low degrees when they have to pass through any barrier, however, some materials such as metal attenuate much 
Electrostatic Sensitive Devices 
Boards which contain Electrostatic Sensitive Device(ESD) are indicated by the   
  sign. The following information is 
ESD handling: 
Service personnel should ground themselves by using a wrist strap when exchanging system boards. 
When repairs are made to a system board, they should spread the floor with anti-static mat which is also grounded. Use 
a suitable, grounded soldering iron. Keep system boards and sensitive parts in the protective package until these are 
used. When returning system boards or parts like EEPROM to the factory, use the protective package as described. 
The GDK-20W Digital Wireless Key Telephone System is provided with replaceable Lithium Batteries on PMU for 
the purpose of protecting SRAM data including the system database and the real-time-clock from power loss. When 
the authorized Serviceman replaces them, it has to be carefully considered as followings, 
           CAUTION : 
-. Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. 
-. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the 
-. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.