LogTag Recorders LogTag Analyzer Temperature Recorder ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 140
Chapter 6    Customizing the software 
To customize how the file name is created, you may use one or more of the available 
elements in any order. If you use spaces to separate the elements, these spaces will 
appear in the same location in the name of the file created. The letters must be in 
uppercase or lowercase as shown in the following table (for example, "%ID" not "%id") 
and all elements must be preceded by % if specified. Other characters that are included 
will appear in the same location and unchanged in the file name creation. 
The date when the LogTag information was originally retrieved. 
The date and time when the LogTag information was originally 
The date and time of the last reading recorded after being started. If 
the LogTag was not started then this information will be blank. 
The date of the last reading recorded after being started. If the LogTag 
was not started then this information will be blank. 
The time of the last reading recorded after being started. If the LogTag 
was not started then this information will be blank. 
The date and time of when the LogTag began recording information, 
even if it was under pre-start conditions.  
The date of when the LogTag began recording information, even if it 
was under pre-start conditions.  
The time of when the LogTag began recording information, even if it 
was under pre-start conditions.  
The unique LogTag identification value. 
The date and time of the last reading recorded, even if there are only 
pre-start recordings. 
The date of the last reading recorded, even if there are only pre-start 
The time of the last reading recorded, even if there are only pre-start 
The product identifier (part number) for the LogTag used to record the 
The unique serial number of the LogTag. 
The date and time the LogTag was started to record information. If the 
LogTag was not actually started and only pre-start information was 
recorded then this information will be blank. 
The number of times the LogTag has been started since manufacture. 
The date the LogTag was started to record information. If the LogTag 
was not actually started and only pre-start information was recorded 
then this information will be blank. 
The time the LogTag was started to record information. If the LogTag 
was not actually started and only pre-start information was recorded 
then this information will be blank.