BMW 2005 330xi Sedan オーナーマニュアル

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reaction to a vehicle in front of you or may cause 
the system to react to a vehicle actually in the 
lane next to you. Always be ready to take action 
or apply the brakes if necessary.
While active cruise control is capable of 
braking your vehicle automatically when 
you approach a slower vehicle ahead, it is 
important to be aware that the ability of the sys-
tem to apply the brakes is also limited, e.g. 
when you reduce your desired speed sharply. 
The system cannot stop your vehicle. It uses 
only a portion of braking system capacity and 
does not utilize the full capacity of the vehicle 
braking system. Therefore, the system cannot 
decrease your speed for large differences in 
speed between your vehicle and the vehicle 
ahead. Examples: when you approach a vehicle 
traveling at a much lower speed than your own 
speed such as approaching a toll booth or when 
a much slower vehicle cuts in front of you at 
close range.
Active cruise control can only decelerate the 
vehicle to approx. 20 mph or 30 km/h.
Swerving vehicles
When a vehicle moves from an adjacent lane 
into your lane, active cruise control will not rec-
ognize this vehicle until it is fully in your lane 
ahead of your vehicle.
When a vehicle ahead suddenly swerves 
into your lane, the system may not be able 
to maintain the selected distance automatically. 
This also applies to great differences in speed 
between you and vehicles ahead, e.g. when 
quickly approaching a truck. There is a risk of 
collision. Once the system has established that 
a vehicle is indeed in front of you, it will indicate 
that you must brake and/or maneuver the vehi-
cle yourself. Take action yourself, as there is 
otherwise a risk of accident.
Behavior in curves
Because of the limited range of the system, it is 
possible that in curves or on the peaks and val-
leys of hilly roads, a vehicle ahead may be rec-
ognized late, or not at all. Therefore, it is up to 
the driver to select a speed that is prudent in 
view of the curves and terrain of the roadway.
In approaching a curve, it is possible that active 
cruise control would react briefly to a vehicle in 
the adjacent lane. In addition, the system can 
sense if your vehicle is in a curve and may not 
accelerate. If your vehicle decelerates in either 
case, you can choose to overcome the deceler-
ation by briefly pressing the accelerator pedal.
Your responsibility
Your actions have priority at all times. When you 
press the accelerator pedal while driving with 
active cruise control, the automatic braking 
function will be temporarily interrupted. Once 
you release the accelerator pedal, the desired 
speed or the selected distance to the vehicle 
ahead is achieved again.
Do not leave your foot on the accelerator 
pedal and make sure that no objects such 
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