Intel Core™ i5-750 Processor (8M Cache, 2.66 GHz) BX8060515750 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Configuration Process and Registers
Datasheet, Volume 2
Internal Device Configuration Accesses
The processor decodes the Bus Number (Bits 23:16) and the Device Number fields of 
the CONFIG_ADDRESS register. If the Bus Number field of CONFIG_ADDRESS is 0, the 
configuration cycle is targeting a PCI Bus 0 device. 
If the targeted PCI Bus 0 device exists in the processor and is not disabled, the 
configuration cycle is claimed by the appropriate device.
Bridge-Related Configuration Accesses
Configuration accesses on PCI Express or DMI are PCI Express Configuration 
Transaction Layer Packets (TLPs).
• Bus Number [7:0] is Header Byte 8 [7:0]
• Device Number [4:0] is Header Byte 9 [7:3]
• Function Number [2:0] is Header Byte 9 [2:0]
And special fields for this type of TLP:
• Extended Register Number [3:0] is Header Byte 10 [3:0]
• Register Number [5:0] is Header Byte 11 [7:2]
See the PCI Express Specification for more information on both the PCI 2.3 compatible 
and PCI Express Enhanced Configuration Mechanism and transaction rules.
PCI Express* Configuration Accesses
When the Bus Number of a Type 1 Standard PCI Configuration cycle or PCI Express 
Enhanced Configuration access matches the Device 1 Secondary Bus Number a PCI 
Express Type 0 Configuration TLP is generated on the PCI Express link targeting the 
device directly on the opposite side of the link. This should be Device 0 on the bus 
number assigned to the PCI Express link (likely Bus 1).
The device on other side of link must be Device 0. The processor will Master Abort any 
Type 0 Configuration access to a non-zero Device number. If there is to be more than 
one device on that side of the link there must be a bridge implemented in the 
downstream device.
When the Bus Number of a Type 1 Standard PCI Configuration cycle or PCI Express 
Enhanced Configuration access is within the claimed range (between the upper bound 
of the bridge device’s Subordinate Bus Number register and the lower bound of the 
bridge device’s Secondary Bus Number register) but doesn't match the Device 1 
Secondary Bus Number, a PCI Express Type 1 Configuration TLP is generated on the 
secondary side of the PCI Express link. 
PCI Express Configuration Writes:
• The processor will translate writes to PCI Express extended configuration space to 
configuration writes on the backbone internally.
• Posted writes to extended space are non-posted on the PCI Express or DMI (that is, 
translated to configuration writes).