Adams CFW 150 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 32
If you need to order any spare parts and accessories, contact your supplier or Adam 
Equipment. A partial list of such items is as follows- 
Power Supply Module 
Main Power cord 
Replacement Battery 
Stainless Steel Pan 
In use cover 
RS-232 option 
Printer, etc. 
This manual covers the details of operation. If you have a problem with the scale that is not 
directly addressed by this manual then contact your supplier for assistance. In order to provide 
further assistance, the supplier will need the following information which should be kept ready: 
A. Details of your company
    -Name of your company: 
    -Contact person’s name: 
    -Contact telephone, e-mail,  
     fax or any other methods: 
B. Details of the unit purchased  
     (This part of information should always be available for any future correspondence. 
We suggest you to fill in this form as soon as the unit is received and keep a print-
out in your record for ready reference.) 
Model name of the scale: 
Serial number of the unit: 
Software revision number  
(Displayed when power is first turned on): 
Date of Purchase: 
Name of the supplier and place: 
C.  Brief description of the problem
          Include any recent history of the unit. For example:        
   -Has it been working since it’s delivered 
   -Has it been in contact with water 
  -Damaged from a fire 
  -Electrical Storms in the area 
  -Dropped on the floor, etc.  
@Adam Equipment Company 2006