3M 965AMS ユーザーズマニュアル

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Measurement Functions
3M™ Dynatel™ Advanced Modular System 965AMS
Ohms Measurements>Voltage Compensation
The Voltage Compensation 
feature compensates for 
crossed battery on the line. 
Use “compensated” for most 
V Comp
 to turn voltage 
compensation off and on. The 
screen displays “Compensated” 
or “Not Compensated.”
Ohms Measurements>Soak Test
The Soak Test function can 
determine if the source of a 
resistive fault is caused by 
moisture, corrosion or pure 
resistance by applying a current 
to the circuit and measuring a 
change in resistance.
Soak Test
 to access the 
Soak Test menu.
NOTE: The Soak Test function 
will not work properly if there 
is voltage on the line. Voltage 
Compensation does not apply 
to the Soak Test.