Intel Xeon E5502 80602E5502 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Register Description
Intel® Xeon® Processor 5500 Series Datasheet, Volume 2
Platform Configuration Structure
The processor contains 6 PCI devices within a single physical component. The 
configuration registers for these devices are mapped as devices residing on the PCI bus 
assigned for the processor socket. Bus number is derived by the max bus range setting 
and processor socket number.
• Device 0: Generic processor non-core. Device 0, Function 0 contains the generic 
non-core configuration registers for the processor and resides at DID (Device ID) of 
2C40h. Device 0, Function 1 contains the System Address Decode registers and 
resides at DID of 2C01h.
• Device 2: Intel QPI. Device 2, Function 0 contains the Intel® QuickPath 
Interconnect configuration registers for Intel QPI Link 0 and resides at DID of 
2C10h. Device 2, Function 1 contains the physical layer registers for Intel QPI Link 
0 and resides at DID of 2C11h. Device 2, Function 4 contains the Intel® QuickPath 
configuration registers for Intel® QuickPath Interconnect Link 1 and resides at DID 
of 2C14h. Device 2, Function 5 contains the physical layer registers for Intel QPI 
Link 1 and resides at DID of 2C15h. Functions 4 and 5 only apply to processors with 
two Intel QPI links.
• Device 3: Integrated Memory Controller. Device 3, Function 0 contains the general 
registers for the Integrated Memory Controller and resides at DID of 2C18h. Device 
3, Function 1 contains the Target Address Decode registers for the Integrated 
Memory Controller and resides at DID of 2C19h. Device 3, Function 2 contains the 
RAS registers for the Integrated Memory Controller and resides at DID of 2C1Ah. 
Device 3, Function 4 contains the test registers for the Integrated Memory 
Controller and resides at DID of 2C1Ch. Function 2 only applies to processors 
supporting registered DIMMs.
• Device 4: Integrated Memory Controller Channel 0. Device 4, Function 0 contains 
the control registers for Integrated Memory Controller Channel 0 and resides at 
Reserved Bit. This bit is reserved for future expansion and must not be written. The PCI 
Local Bus Specification requires that reserved bits must be preserved. Any software that 
modifies a register that contains a reserved bit is responsible for reading the register, 
modifying the desired bits, and writing back the result.
Reserved Bits
Some of the processor registers described in this section contain reserved bits. These bits 
are labeled “Reserved”. Software must deal correctly with fields that are reserved. On 
reads, software must use appropriate masks to extract the defined bits and not rely on 
reserved bits being any particular value. On writes, software must ensure that the values 
of reserved bit positions are preserved. That is, the values of reserved bit positions must 
first be read, merged with the new values for other bit positions and then written back. 
Note that software does not need to perform a read-merge-write operation for the 
Configuration Address (CONFIG_ADDRESS) register.
In addition to reserved bits within a register, the processor contains address locations in 
the configuration space that are marked either “Reserved” or “Intel Reserved”. The 
processor responds to accesses to “Reserved” address locations by completing the host 
cycle. When a “Reserved” register location is read, a zero value is returned. (“Reserved” 
registers can be 8, 16, or 32 bits in size). Writes to “Reserved” registers have no effect on 
the processor. Registers that are marked as “Intel Reserved” must not be modified by 
system software. Writes to “Intel Reserved” registers may cause system failure. Reads to 
“Intel Reserved” registers may return a non-zero value.
Default Value 
upon a Reset
Upon a reset, the processor sets all of its internal configuration registers to predetermined 
default states. Some register values at reset are determined by external strapping 
options. The default state represents the minimum functionality feature set required to 
successfully bring up the system. Hence, it does not represent the optimal system 
configuration. It is the responsibility of the system initialization software (usually BIOS) to 
properly determine the DRAM configurations, operating parameters and optional system 
features that are applicable, and to program the processor registers accordingly.
“ST” appended to 
the end of a bit 
The bit is “sticky” or unchanged by a hard reset. These bits can only be cleared by a 
PWRGOOD reset.