Black Box ET1000A ユーザーズマニュアル

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Managing Appliances
EncrypTight User Guide
Changing the Management IP Address
ETEMS uses the appliance’s 10/100 Ethernet management port to communicate with the appliance. The 
management IP address in ETEMS must match the address of the appliance for successful 
communication. To keep the two configurations in sync you can make either of the following changes: 
Push a new IP address to the appliance from ETEMS (see 
Update ETEMS with the appliance’s new IP address. You need to do this when the management IP 
address has been changed directly on the appliance (see 
Changing the Address on the Appliance
You can change the management IP address that is configured on an appliance from ETEMS. 
If the appliance supports IPv6 addressing, the editor allows you to change either the IPv4 or IPv6 
address, depending on the address preference. If the management port address preference is set to Use 
, focus is applied to the IPv6 address. Otherwise, focus is applied to the IPv4 address. IPv6 
addressing is supported on ETEP appliances that are running software version 1.6 and later.
To change the management IP address on the appliance:
1 In the Appliance Manager, select an appliance from the Appliances view. 
2 On  the  Edit menu, click Management Address. The Change Management IP window opens (
3 In  the  IP Address To field, type the management port IP address.
4 In  the  Subnet Mask To field, confirm the subnet mask and change if necessary.
5 In  the  Default Gateway To field, confirm the default gateway and change if necessary.
6 Click Finish to apply the new address to the appliance. 
When the change is complete ETEMS refreshes the Appliances view. If ETEMS is unable to update 
the management IP address, it displays the reason for the failure.