Black Box ET1000A ユーザーズマニュアル

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Managing Appliances
EncrypTight User Guide
SNTP client
Software version
Syslog servers
Other settings that can be edited on multiple appliances are date and time, and password. These settings 
do not use the multiple configurations editor: they have their own unique editors, which are accessed 
from the Edit menu. 
The multiple configuration editor changes the appliance’s configuration in the EncrypTight workspace. 
After editing the appliance configurations, push the configurations to the targeted appliances for the new 
settings to take effect. 
When editing a setting for a group of appliances, ETEMS’s multiple configuration editor displays the 
existing data for the first selected appliance. You can accept those values and apply them to all of the 
target appliances, or use them as a starting point to make as many changes as you like. 
ETEMS allows selecting a mixture of hardware models and software versions except when updating the 
software version, when all selected appliances must be of the same hardware model.
Some options displayed in the editor may be invalid on some of the selected appliances and valid on 
others. When ETEMS encounters an invalid setting for an appliance or when the new value is the same 
as the existing value, ETEMS ignores the new value and keeps the existing value for that appliance.
When you finish editing a group of appliances, ETEMS displays a summary of the results, indicating the 
number of appliance configurations that it changed in the workspace. 
To update an appliance setting on multiple appliances:
1 In the Appliance Manager, select the target appliances in the Appliances view. 
2 Click Edit > Multiple Configurations. Select an appliance setting from the list. 
3 In the editing window, update the settings and then click Apply.
4 From the Appliances view, select the target appliances and push the new configuration to the 
appliances (Tools > Put Configuration). 
Related topics:
Deleting Appliances
When an appliance is deleted using ETEMS it is removed from the EncrypTight workspace, meaning it 
cannot be configured and managed using ETEMS. An appliance will continue to execute security policies 
as long as its properly connected and configured in the network, even after it has been deleted from 
ETEMS. In most cases, you will delete an appliance from ETEMS when an appliance is removed from 
service in the field.