Black Box ET1000A ユーザーズマニュアル

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Provisioning Basics
EncrypTight User Guide
Saving an Appliance Configuration
You can save an appliance configuration at any time during the configuration process. Appliance 
configurations are saved as part of the EncrypTight workspace. Unsaved changes are indicated with an 
asterisk on the editor tab. 
ETEMS provides several ways to save appliance configurations.
To close open editors without saving the configurations, click File > Close or File > Close All. Click no 
when prompted to save your changes. 
ETEMS will not save a configuration that contains an error. ETEMS indicates the tab and the field that 
contains the error with 
Related topic:
Pushing Configurations to Appliances
After defining the configuration for each EncrypTight appliance, you will push the configurations to the 
targeted appliances in a put operation. On some appliance models you can also push a policy file during a 
put operation.
To push ETEMS configurations to appliances:
1 In the Appliance Manager, select the target appliances in the Appliances view. Use SHIFT+click to 
select a contiguous block of appliances; use CTRL+click to select non-contiguous appliances. 
2 On  the  Tools menu, click Put Configurations.
Table 26
 Saving appliance configurations
Save and New (in the New 
Appliance editor)
Saves the configuration in the active appliance editor and 
opens a fresh New Appliance editor.
The second appliance editor window retains the settings from 
the first appliance with the exception of the appliance name and 
management IP address, which must be unique for each 
Save (in the New Appliance editor)
Saves the configuration in the active appliance editor.
Saves the configuration in the active appliance editor.
File > Save 
Saves the configuration in the active appliance editor.
File > Save all
Saves pending changes in all open appliance editors.