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Chapter 4  Configuration 
FCD-IPM Installation and Operation Manual 
Security Setup Menu
To define the Solid Firewall rules: 
1. From the Firewall Setup menu, type 2.  
The Firewall Rules menu appears (see 
2. From the Firewall Rules menu, type A and perform the following: 
Define a link on which the rule will be applied 
Specify the source IP address range by defining the start and end addresses. 
Specify the destination IP address range by defining the start and end 
Enable the application used by the rule (user definedTelnetPingHTTP
 Server, or DNS Server to Server). 
If you select a user-defined application, you must specify the following 
Protocol type: TCPUPD or ICMP 
 and maximum port value for TCP and UDP protocols, or 
ICMP message type
 for ICMP protocol. 
3. Press <Esc> and save new firewall rule values. 
For example, two LANs are connected to the FCD-IPM 10BaseT ports 
). LAN 1 includes company’s Web, mail and FTP servers, which 
cab be accessed from the outside. Employees’ PCs sitting on LAN 2 must not 
be reached from the outside, but they must be allowed to access the servers. 
In order to grant access to LAN 1 and restrict it to LAN 2, you must set up two 
Firewall 1 
Select interface – main link 
Select direction – inbound 
Define rule 1 for Web server: 
Start and end source IP address – to 
Start and end destination IP address – 
Protocol – HTTP. 
Define rule 2 for mail server, which is identical to rule 1, except for 
destination IP addresses ( and protocol (SMTP). 
Define rule 3 for FTP server, which is identical to rule 1, except for 
destination IP addresses ( and protocol (FTP). 
Firewall 2 
Select interface – LAN 2 
Select direction – outbound.