Lucent Technologies merlin messaging system ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 476
The left-most PCMCIA slot houses the 2-Port, 4-Port, 6-Port, 8-Port, 10-Port, or 12-Port PC
Card required for operation of the MERLIN Messaging System.
NOTE: Only the left-most of the two PCMCIA slots can be used. The right-most slot is
reserved for future use.
The 2-Port, 4-Port, 6-Port, 8-Port, 10-Port, or 12-Port PC Card contains:
Port licensing data that triggers the activation of the appropriate number of voice
messaging ports.
A Remote Maintenance Device (RMD), used for remote access to diagnostic and
maintenance features of the system.
Media for performing system backup.
Introduction (Planning) (1 of 2) [2/2/2000 2:31:04 PM]