Lucent Technologies merlin messaging system ユーザーズマニュアル

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Transfer Return Interval
The number of times a transferred call will ring at the transfer destination before it returns to
the transfer originator. See also VMS Transfer Return Interval.
Transfer-Only Extension
An extension that has no message storage space allotted to it on the MERLIN Messaging System.
It is used in conjunction with the MERLIN Messaging Transfer Restrictions feature to allow
callers to transfer from the MERLIN Messaging System to extensions that do not need mailboxes.
VMS Transfer Return Interval
The number of times a call, transferred by the MERLIN Messaging System to an extension
without coverage, will ring before the call is redirected to the Transfer Redirect Extension. See
also Transfer Redirect Extension.
Voice Mail Greeting
The greeting that plays to users who call the MERLIN Messaging System Voice Mail
Service. The greeting prompts the users to log into their mailbox.
Voice Mail Service
A MERLIN Messaging System service that allows a user to send messages to other users,
retrieve messages, record up to three Personal Greetings, create a mailbox password,
program a Personal Operator, set the mailbox's Call Answer Mode and, if the mailbox has
outcalling permission, program Outcalling options.
Weekly Business Schedule
A MERLIN Messaging System feature that enables the System Manager to set a schedule
that will determine when the Automated Attendant's Day or Night Menus play.
A Windows-based System Programming and Maintenance tool used to program and
maintain the communications system.
MERLIN Messaging System Glossary (12 of 13) [2/2/2000 2:36:02 PM]