Lucent Technologies merlin messaging system ユーザーズマニュアル

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Planning Form 3: Automated Attendant Planning
Form 3a
Used to:
Automated Attendant Schedule
and Fax Assignment
Specify the Schedule Controller and if
applicable the Weekly Business
Schedule for each Automated
Indicate the Fax Extension for each
Automated Attendant
The Automated Attendant Schedule Options control the Day and Night Service operation of each
Automated Attendant. The Schedule Options are:
Schedule Controller – Determines which schedule the Automated Attendants follow the
Switch Mode, the Weekly Business Schedule or a combination of both.
Weekly Business Schedule – If the Schedule Controller is set to follow the Weekly Business
Schedule or to follow both the Switch mode and the Weekly Business Schedule, you must
specify a Weekly Business Schedule.
Temporary Schedule – Allows the Automated Attendants to operate in temporary closure or
temporary open mode. The Temporary Schedule overrides both the Switch mode and the
Weekly Business Schedule. For each day with a temporary opening or temporary closing
schedule, you specify the start and end time of the special schedule. During other periods of
that day, the Automated Attendant operates in the appropriate mode based on its Scheduler
Controller setting. The Temporary Schedule can be programmed for the current day and/or the
following six days. It can also be canceled anytime before or during the Temporary Schedule.
The Temporary Schedule does not carry over from week to week; it expires at the ending time
you specify on the day for which you created it.
Automated Attendant Service can also detect a fax tone and route the call to a fax machine extension
assigned to the Automated Attendant.
Make a copy of this form for each Automated Attendant.
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Planning Form 3: Automated Attendant Planning (1 of 3) [2/2/2000 2:31:36 PM]