Lucent Technologies MN102H75K ユーザーズマニュアル

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On-Screen Display
Setting Up the OSD
Panasonic  Semiconductor  Development  Company
MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual
7.10.2 Text Layer Functions
This section describes the character enhancement functions available in the text 
In both normal and closed-caption modes, writing a 1 to bit 9 (FRAME) of the 
COL setting in the VRAM causes an outline to appear around all characters fol-
lowing that COL. You can specify the color of the outline in the FRAME register 
(x’007FA2’). Figure 7-23 shows an example of character outlining. As shown in 
the figure, if a character contains dots in the left or right borders of its field, the 
outlining for those dots appear in the adjacent character field.
Character shadowing
In normal mode, writing a 1 to bit 10 (CSHAD) of the COL setting in the VRAM 
causes a drop shadow to appear behind all characters following that COL. You 
can specify the color of the shadow in the FRAME register (x’007FA2’). Figure 
7-24 s
hows an example of character shadowing. As shown in the figure, if a 
character contains dots in right border of its field, the shadowing for those dots 
appear in the character field to the right.
Figure 7-23 Character Outlining Example
16 dots
16 dots
16 dots
Figure 7-24 Character Shadowing Example
16 dots
16 dots
16 dots