Microboards Technology II ユーザーズマニュアル

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                                                                        Orbit II Disc-to-Disc Copier Reference Manual – Revision I
Attachment D What is BurnProof? 
One of the most common problems encountered in creating CD-R or CD-RW discs is a condition called “buffer under run”.  All CD-R/CD-RW Writers  
contain a small amount of RAM memory, called a “buffer”.  Typical buffer sizes are 1or 2 Mbytes.  Data flowing to the Writer is placed in this buffer.  
When the buffer is filled, the Writer tells its Controller to stop sending data.  As the Writer writes to the CD-R/CD-RW, the buffer empties.  When the  
Writer detects a low buffer condition it requests additional data from its Controller.  The buffer essentially balances minor speed variations between  
a CD-R Writer and its source of data.  Conventional CD-R and CD-RW Writers must write the packet, session, or disc in a continuous stream.  The CD-R  
/CD-RW disc will be useless if the buffer runs empty during a write operation.  A buffer under run creates the proverbial “coaster”, instead of a usable  
CD-R/CD-RW disc.   
The term “BurnProof” (Burn = Buffer under run) is a trademark of Sanyo Corporation for a technology that eliminates CD-R/CD-RW rejects due to buffer  
under runs.  This technology allows a CD-R/CD-RW Writer to stop Writing when its buffer runs empty, and then resume writing when the buffer is refilled. A  
number of CD-R/C-RW Writer manufacturers have licensed this technology.  The Writer used in Orbit II provides BurnProof operation to assure you of the  
highest possible yield and lowest possible CD-R/CD-RW reject rate.