Mitsubishi Electronics QD75MH1 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 838
14 - 13 
(1)  Do not turn ON the power and reset the PLC CPU while parameters, positioning 
data and block start data are written to the flash ROM using the PFWRT 
A parameter error will occur or normal positioning start will become impossible 
because the parameters, positioning data and block start data are not written 
normally to the flash ROM. 
If this occurs, restart the operation by the method shown below. 
  • For GX Configurator-QP, write the parameters, positioning data and block start 
data again to the flash ROM. 
  • For a PLC program, write the parameters, positioning data and block start data 
to the QD75MH after initializing the parameters (PINIT instruction execution and 
Then execute the PFWRT instruction again. 
(2)  A writing to the flash ROM is up to 100,000 times. 
If writing to the flash ROM exceeds 100,000 times, the writing to the flash ROM will 
become impossible. 
(3)  After the power ON and PLC CPU reset operation, writing to the flash ROM using 
a PLC program is limited to up to 25 times. (Not limited to up to 25 times when 
writing to the flash ROM is carried out by peripheral device.) 
If the 26th or more writing is requested after the power ON/PLC CPU reset 
operation, a flash ROM exceed writing error (error code: 805) will occur, and the 
writing will be disabled.  If a flash ROM write error occurs by one writing to the 
flash ROM, check and correct the flash ROM writing program.  Then reset the 
error or turn ON the power and reset the PLC CPU again. 
(4)  The PFWRT instruction can only be executed when the QD75 READY signal (X0) 
is turned OFF. 
When the QD75 READY signal is turned ON, the PFWRT instruction cannot be 
Before executing the PFWRT instruction, turn OFF the PLC READY signal (Y0) 
and then turn OFF the QD75 READY signal. 
(5)  When the remote I/O station  (Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H network remote 
I/O module) is used, the dedicated instruction (PFWRT) is unusable. 
: For details of the remote I/O station, refer to Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H 
Network System Reference Manual (Remote I/O Network). 
(6)  When the PLC READY signal (Y0) is turned ON, an error (error code: 1204) 
occurs, " 
 Rotation direction selection" is changed by PLC program or the 
GX Configrator-QP after the servo parameter is transmitted to servo amplifier (LED 
of the servo amplifier is indicated b†, C†, or d†). Execute the axis error reset 
Axis error reset) after the error occurrence.