Avaya 15-601040 ユーザーズマニュアル

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1400 Series Phone User Guide
Page 57
15-601040 Issue 06d (Monday, March 19, 2012)
IP Office
Conference Calls: Adding a Call to a Conference
8.3 Viewing Conference Details
You can display a list of the parties involved in a conference call. 
1. If not already displayed, press the 
 up or down 
 arrow key to display the conference call. 
2. Press the Details soft key. 
To scroll through the list of callers in the conference, use the 
 up and down 
 arrow keys.
To drop the caller displayed from the conference, press the Drop soft key. Pressing the 
 DROP button
will also drop the displayed party. 
To mute a caller, highlight them and press Mute. Repeat this to unmute them.
To return to the call display, press the Exit soft key. 
8.4 Dropping/Muting Parties
You can drop parties from a conference call, including yourself. You can also mute other parties. 
1. While connected to a conference call, if you press the Details key, the conference details menu is displayed. 
2. You can then perform the following actions: 
To scroll through the list of callers in the conference, use the 
 up and down 
 arrow keys.
To drop the caller displayed from the conference, press the Drop soft key. Pressing the 
 DROP button
will also drop the displayed party. 
To mute a caller, highlight them and press Mute. Repeat this to unmute them.
To return to the call display, press the Exit soft key. 
Note: If you are the only internal user in the conference, depending on your telephone systems configuration, dropping
yourself might end the conference. Consult your system administrator for details. 
8.5 Holding a Conference Call
Using the 
 HOLD key you can put a conference call on hold in the same way as you can for a normal call. The
appearance key for the conference call will show a fast flashing green lamp. 
To take the conference call off hold, press the appearance key. 
Important - Holding Conference Calls
You can hold a conference call in the same way as holding a normal call. Holding the conference call does not affect the
other conference parties who can continue talking. You will also still be listed as a member of the conference call in the
conference details. 
Warning: This only applies to conference calls hosted by your own telephone system. Holding your call to a conference
hosted on another telephone system may cause that conference to hear your system's music on hold.