Mitsubishi Electronics WS-65515 オーナーマニュアル

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Figure 26
A/V Memory Reset
Use A/V Memory Reset to select the device that you 
want to return to the original factory Audio and Video 
settings.  After selecting the device, press ENTER 
and the device’s A/V memory will be reset.
Every device has its own A/V memory that can be 
individually adjusted, through the menu or with the 
remote.  To adjust the settings through the menu, 
select the device in A/V Memory Reset, then select 
Audio or Video.  Press ENTER, to remove the menu 
and display the individual settings.  Press ADJUST    
or   to select the setting.  Press ADJUST   or   to 
make the adjustment.  To adjust the settings with the 
remote, select Audio or Video on the remote and you 
can adjust the settings for the device currently being 
For descriptions of the individual A/V settings see 
A/V Setting Descriptions, pages 69 and 70.
Video Mute
Select On to display a blue background when no 
signal is being received.  This feature is applicable to 
all inputs, except Ant-1 and Ant-2.
Black Enhancement
Select On to enhance the contrast in dark scenes 
for better picture quality.  Brighter scenes will not be 
AudioVideo Menu
Figure 26. Audio/Video Menu, Settings
TV Speakers
Select On to use the TV’s internal speakers.  Select 
Off when sending the sound through a separate 
stereo system or surround sound A/V receiver.  When 
 is enabled, selecting the A/V Receiver 
icon from the Device Selection menu automatically 
turns Off the TV speakers.  See the NetCommand 
menus for further instructions.
Note:  To prevent damage from a sudden 
increase in volume, make sure the TV volume 
is set to low before setting speakers to On.