Mitsubishi Electronics WD-73737 ユーザーズマニュアル

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MODELS: WD-60C9 / WD-65C9 / WD-73C9 / WD-60737 / WD-65737 / WD-73737 / WD-82827
WD-65837 / WD-73837 / WD-82837
Data Transfer
Service Data is duplicated and stored in separate EEPROMs in two locations.
PWB-MAIN - Working data for TV operation
OPTICAL ENGINE - Backup data
The Optical Engine also includes data for the Color Wheel Index Delay setting determined at the factory.
1. Enter the Service Mode <MENU><2-4-5-7>  Select the Data Transfer & Geometry Menu <0>
Note:  Besides MANUAL GEOMETRY ALIGNMENT, four data transfer choices are listed on screen.
RESTORE  ENGINE DATA FROM BACKUP - copies backup factory adjustments HVPOS, White
Balanceand Index Delay from the Optical Engine to the PWB-MAIN.
RESTORE GEOMETRY DATA FROM BACKUP - copies backup factory Geometry Alignment data from
the Optical Engine to the PWB-MAIN.
RESTORE INDEX DELAY - copies factory Index Delay Adjustment data from the Optical Engine to the
SAVE ENGINE AND GEOMETRY SETTING TO BACKUP - copies all working data from the PWB-
MAIN into backup memory on the Optical Engine.
2. Use the <
TS> buttons to select the data transfer item and press <ENTER>.
3. Press <BACK> to quit.
After Engine Replacement:
1. Restore Index Delay.
2. Save Engine and Geometry Setting to Backup
After PWB-MAIN Replacement:
1. Restore Engine Data From Backup
2. Restore Geometry Data From Backup.
Da ta   Tra nsfe r  &  Ge om e try  M e nu <ME NU>< 2-4-5-7>< 0>
W a rning  -  Only  use  "SA VE   E NGINE  A ND  GE OME TRY   SE TTING  TO  BA CK UP"
             after Optical E ngine replacement.