Anaheim DPJ72LC2 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 87
Section 8   
8   Glossary
Relative Coordinates - The XYZ position of the tool on the CNC machine relative to the point at
which the Relative Coordinates were zeroed. The relative coordinate system is general purpose
and may be used for anything you choose.
Resonant Speeds - Rotational speeds at which a stepper motor will vibrate excessively.  Quite often,
the motor will stall if run at these speeds.  This is dependent on the size of the motor, the size of
the load it is driving, and the power of the controller.  Typically, increasing loads and reducing
controller current will reduce resonance.
Screw Thread - The number of turns per inch of travel of the helical drive screw for each axis.
Serial Port - A communications port on both the PC and the Controller used to exchange commands
and information.
Setup File - A file containing the CNC Setup Parameters for a machine tool. These files have a
“.STP” extension by default.
Step Mode - The number of mini, or micro steps between each full motor step. The default step
mode in LC is Quarter-Step, or four micro steps between each full motor step.
Stepper Motor - A motor that moves a precise amount when given an electrical pulse. Stepper
motors typically have 200 full steps per revolution, or 1.8
 per full step.  Other popular stepper
motors have 0.9
 and 7.5
 per step.
Text Boxes - Areas in which you type either a name or a value.
Tool Path - The path that a machine tool moves as a G-Code program is executed.
Tool Path View Port - The area of the main screen that graphically displays the tool path in real
Tool Position Box - The area of the main screen that shows the current coordinates of the tool on the
machine tool.  You can display any one or all of the four coordinate systems in this box.
Tool Positioning Resolution - The amount of machine tool movement on a given axis that
corresponds to one step of the stepper motor.  Note that one step is either one Full-Step, one
Half-Step or one Quarter-Step depending on the step mode of the Stepper Motor Driver. Tool
Positioning Resolution (TPR) depends on 4 factors:  Step Mode (SM), Gear Ratio (GR), Motor
Resolution (MR), and Screw Thread (ST), where
TPR = 1 / (SM * GR * MR * ST)