York YPAL 061 사용자 설명서

페이지 168
FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
Factory Shrinkwrap – All eco
 rooftop units 
can be ordered from the factory with an optional 
factory-fresh shrinkwrap pack ag ing.    This  elimi-
nates the contractors worries about dirt and debris 
clogging up condenser coils or moisture leaking 
into the air han dler on the units way to the job 
site or rigging yard.
Demand Ventilation Option  Can be incorpo-
rated into the unit to improve indoor air quality 
and help manage indoor pollutants such as CO
or other harmful air borne con tam i nates  out  of 
the occupied spaces for maximum comfort and 
safety. Activation of this se quence can easily be 
ac com plished  using  a  CO
 sensor installed in the 
conditioned space.  CO2 sensors are typically 
used with de mand ventilation; however other 
sensors may be applied to control indoor con-
 tam i nants  such  as  volatile  or gan ic  com pounds 
Smoke Purge – Is also available to evacuate 
smoke due to fi re from a room or zone.
Filtration – The eco
 is confi gured for various 
types of fi ltration to meet the different needs and 
re quire ments of today's rooftop applications, 
including 2-inch throwaway, pleated, carbon, 
and cleanable fi l ters and 12-inch high effi ciency 
rigid fi lters.
Single Point Power – The eco
 unit comes stan-
 dard with single point power connections to make 
in stal la tion  quick  and  easy.
Dual Point Power – Can be factory installed for 
ap pli ca tions that require the mechanical heating 
and cooling functions to be separated from the 
air han dling functions. This enables the unit to 
be op er at ed in an emergency condition while 
minimizing power consumption.
Unit-Mounted Disconnect – Is available as an 
op tion to minimize time at installation of equip-
ment and to reduce necessary field installed 
Access Doors – Full-sized access doors provide 
easy access into the unit for routine maintenance 
and inspection.
   The unit can be purchased with a “Both Side 
Access” option for additional accessibility.
Service Valves – Oversized ser vice valves to 
pro vide  iso la tion  and  quick  rec la ma tion  and 
charg ing of sys tem re frig er ant  are  avail able as 
an option to min i mize  down time  and  sim pli fy 
the service and repair task.
Convenience Outlet – For maintenance tasks 
re quir ing power tools, an optional 110V GFCI 
pow er supply can power lights, drills or any other 
power hand tool needed.
Factory Run-Tested – Each unit is subjected 
to a series of quality assurance checks as well 
as an au to mat ed quality control process before 
being run-tested. Fans and drives are balanced 
at the fac to ry during testing. The factory run-test 
ensures safe proper operation when the unit is 
installed, and reduces installation and commis-
sioning time.
Gas Heat Sections – Are factory and leaked 
Replaceable Core Filter Drier Option – Pro-
vides a means to remove moisture, dirt and debris 
from the re frig er a tion circuit in the event it is 