York YPAL 061 사용자 설명서

페이지 168
FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
To protect warranty, this equip ment 
must be in stalled and ser viced by an 
ser vice  me chan ic  or  a  qualifi ed service 
per son  ex pe ri enced  in  air  han dling 
and  con dens er  unit  in stal la tion. 
Installation must com ply with all ap-
 pli ca ble  codes,  par tic u lar ly  in  regard 
to elec tri cal wiring and oth er safety 
elements such as re lief valves, HP 
cut-out settings, design work ing pres-
 sures  and  ven ti la tion  re quire ments 
con sis tent with the amount and type 
of  re frig er ant  charge.
Lethal voltages exist within the Con-
 trol Panel. Before servicing, open and 
tag all disconnect switches.
Reference publication Form 100.50-
SU1 (507) “Quick Startup Guide” for 
additional information.
With power applied to the rooftop unit, the crank case 
heater for each com pres sor  will  be  ON  when ev er  the 
com pres sor is not running. The heater is in ter locked  into 
the compressor motor contactor and is not con trolled 
by the mi cro pro ces sor.
The purpose of the crankcase heater is to pre vent 
the migration of refrigerant to the crank case during 
shut down, assuring proper lu bri ca tion  of  the  com pres sor 
on start-up.
Anytime power is removed from the unit for more than 
an hour, the crankcase heater should be left on for 24 
hours prior to start.
Power must be applied to the rooftop 
unit 24 hours prior to starting the unit 
com pres sors. Failure to observe this 
re quire ment can lead to com pres sor 
dam age  and  void ing of the com pres sor 
war ran ty.
Unit Checks
  1. Inspect the unit for shipping or installation dam-
  2. Visually check for refrigerant piping leaks.
  3. The compressor oil level should be main tained so 
that an oil level is visible in the sight glass. The 
oil level can only be tested when the com pres sor  is 
run ning in stabilized conditions, guar an tee ing  that 
there is no liquid refrigerant in the lower shell of the 
com pres sor. In this case, the oil must be between 
1/4 and 3/4 in the sight glass. At shutdown, the oil 
level can fall to the bottom limit of the oil sight 
  4. Check the control panel to assure it is free of for-
 eign material (wires, metal chips, etc.).
 5. Visually inspect fi eld wiring (power and control). 
Wir ing MUST meet N.E.C. and local codes. 
  6. Check tightness of terminal lugs inside the pow er 
pan el on both sides of the contactors, over loads, 
fus es,  and  pow er  con nec tions.
  7. Verify fuse sizing in main cir cuits.
 8. Verify fi eld wiring for ther mo stat  (if  ap pli ca ble), 
op tion al  zone  sen sor, etc.
 9. Verify all applicable pneumatic tubing has been 
fi eld in stalled for Duct Static Pressure Transducers 
(VAV units), op tion al building pressure transducer 
for power exhaust option, and outdoor static pres-
sure prove.
10. Supply exhaust and return fan isolators spring bolts  
are removed (refer to Fig ure 3-1).
 11.  Verify proper bearing and locking collar torque 
val ues on supply and exhaust fans (refer to Main-
 te nance section of manual).
 12. Verify proper drive alignment of supply and ex-
 haust  fans  (refer to Maintenance section of man-
 u al).