York YPAL 060 사용자 설명서

페이지 168
FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
 17.  Verify  Variable Frequency Drive setpoints for VAV 
unit Supply Fan and optional Variable Frequency 
Drive Exhaust and/or Return Fan drives.  The Sup-
ply Fan VFD is located to the right of the electrical 
control box in the supply fan blower compartment. 
Refer to separate manual for VFD operation sup-
plied with the unit.
 18.  If equipped, open suction line ball valve, discharge 
line ball valve, and liquid line ball valve for each 
refrigerant system.
 1. Apply 3-phase power and verify its value. Volt-
 age  im bal ance should be no more than 2% of the 
av er age  volt age.
  2. Verify programmed units Setpoints (refer to “Quick 
Start-Up Guide”, Form 100.50-SU3).
  3. Verify correct fan rotation – fan should rotate in 
direction of arrow on fan housing.
  4. Insure proper com pres sor  ro ta tion  -  see following 
in struc tion  on Ver i fy ing  Compressor  Ro ta tion.
Verifying  Com pres sor  Rotation
This unit uses scroll compressors, 
which will only operate in one di-
 rec tion.  Fail ure  to  observe  these  steps 
could lead to com pres sor  failure.
The eco
rooftop unit uses hermetic scroll com pres sors, 
which only pump in one di rec tion.  There fore, it is 
nec es sary to verify proper ro ta tion at unit start-up. 
Op er a tion  of  the  com pres sor in the reverse di rec tion 
will not pump, and cause the com pres sor to cycle on 
in ter nal  over load.  Op er at ing  the  com pres sor  in  re verse 
for “ex tend ed” pe ri ods can result in fail ure of the 
com pres sor.
To verify proper rotation, monitor the suc tion and 
dis charge pressures of the re spec tive  refrigerant 
circuit when the com pres sor cycles on. If the discharge 
pres sure increases and suction pressure decreases as the 
compressor cycles on, the compressor is properly phased 
and operating in the correct rotation.
Compressor Oil Level Check
The oil level can only be tested when the com pres sor  is 
running in stabilized con di tions, to ensure that there is 
no liquid refrigerant in the lower shell of the com pres sor. 
When the compressor is run ning in stabilized con di tions,  
the oil level must be be tween 1/2 and 3/4 in the oil sight 
glass. Note: at shut down, the oil level can fall to the 
bot tom limit of the oil sight glass.