StorageTek 6 사용자 설명서

페이지 718
106   VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Defining Unit Attributes (UNITATTR) 
UNITATTR statements describe the recording technique attributes of library and 
nonlibrary transports. Transports are described by: 
• unit address 
• transport model number. 
To allow the HSC to operate correctly, the user must specify UNITATTR statements 
for all
 nonlibrary transport models that appear to the operating system as 3490E-type 
and 3590-type devices.  
For library devices, the model type is determined by the LMU.  
Refer to “Unit Attribute (UNITATTR) Control Statement” on page 136 for more 
Collections of transports with common characteristics can be identified with a single 
UNITATTR statement by specifying a list of unit addresses, range of addresses, or 
multiple ranges of addresses. 
Defining Volume Attributes (VOLATTR) 
VOLATTR statements describe the media type and recording technique attributes of 
cartridge tape volumes. 
Volumes are described by:
• volume serial number (VOLSER) 
• media type 
• recording technique. 
To allow the HSC to operate correctly, the user must define VOLATTR statements 
for all ECART, ZCART, helical, 9840/T9840B (STK1), and T9940A media. Volumes 
not defined by VOLATTRs are presumed to be standard capacity cartridges
Note: Alternatives to defining VOLATTR statements are available. Refer to “Volume 
Attribute (VOLATTR) Control Statement” on page 143 for 
more information. 
Collections of cartridges with common attributes can be identified in a single VOLATTR 
statement by specifying ranges and lists of VOLSERs, or using wild card characters. 
Scratch counts are based entirely on VOLATTR information. Accurately defined 
VOLATTR control statements are critical for correct processing of nonspecific 
volume requests.
For specific mounts, the actual media type, as determined by the LMU, overrides 
what is specified in the VOLATTR.