StorageTek 6 사용자 설명서

페이지 718
Appendix A. Macros, Control Statements, Utilities, and Commands Syntax Reference   439
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Control Statement Syntax Conventions 
The control statement for each utility program consists of a command (indicating the 
utility function) followed by parameters, as applicable, in 80-character card-image 
records. The standard syntax conventions for control statements are as follows: 
• The only valid control statement information area is from column 2 to column 72. 
Columns 73-80 are ignored. 
• Parameters are separated by one or more blanks or a comma. 
• A value is associated with a parameter by an equal sign (=) or by enclosing the value 
in parentheses, and concatenating it immediately after the parameter. # Case (upper 
or lower) is ignored in actual control statements. 
• Control statements may be interspersed with comments designated by an asterisk (*) 
in column one. 
For definition data sets (VOLATTRs, UNITATTRs and TAPEREQs) comments 
must be in the new format (/*...*/). Asterisk (*) comments are not allowed. A /*...*/ 
comment in the first line is not required for definition data sets.
• A control statement is terminated if the statement is not continued. Control 
statements must have a /*...*/ comment as the first control statement in the 
PARMLIB member. A PARMLIB member that does not begin with a /*...*/ style 
comment is assumed to be in the old format. Comments in old format members must 
begin with an asterisk in column 1. 
In contrast to utility control statements, PARMLIB control statements may begin in 
column 1. Columns 73-80 are ignored.
To allow for continuation, comments in the job stream must start with /* and end 
with */. Comments cannot be nested, and mixing the two comment styles (* and /*) 
is not allowed. 
• The 80-character card-image records use conventional continuation rules. 
- A space and a dash (–) following a parameter or parameter value indicates that a 
blank is to be inserted between the last nonblank character of this line and the 
first nonblank character of the next nonblank record.
- A plus sign (+) specifies that the continued control information is to be 
concatenated directly after the character preceding the plus sign. The continued 
data starts at column two of the next nonblank record. 
Note: You can use a continuation only after a new keyword or after the natural 
end of a value. Some examples follow.