StorageTek 6 사용자 설명서

페이지 718
 Glossary   655
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Terms are defined as they are used in the text.  If you 
cannot find a term here, check the index.  
AC— Alternating current.
access method— A technique for moving data 
between processor storage and I/O devices.
ACS— See Automated Cartridge System.
ACSid— An ACSid (acs-id) is a hexadecimal value 
from 00 through FF that identifies the LMU. An 
ACSid is the result of defining the SLIALIST macro 
during the library generation (LIBGEN) process. The 
first ACS listed in this macro acquires a hexadecimal 
identifier of 00, the second acquires a hexadecimal 
identifier of 01, and so forth, until all ACSs are 
allocation— The selection of a cartridge drive, either 
inside the library or outside (by the HSC software for 
HSC allocation, or MVS for MVS allocation without 
the HSC).
APF— Authorized Program Facility.
APPL— VTAM APPLID definition for the HSC.
archiving— The storage of backup files and 
associated journals, usually for a given period of 
Automated Cartridge System (ACS)— The library 
subsystem consisting of one or two LMUs, and from 
1 to 16 attached LSMs.
automated library— See library.
automatic mode— A relationship between an LSM 
and all attached hosts. LSMs operating in automatic 
mode handle cartridges without operator 
intervention. This is the normal operating mode of an 
LSM that has been modified online.
basic direct access method (BDAM)— An access 
method used to directly retrieve or update particular 
blocks of a data set on a direct access device. 
basic sequential access method (BSAM)— An 
access method for storing and retrieving data blocks 
in a continuous sequence, using either a sequential 
access or direct access device.
BDAM— See Basic direct access method.
beginning-of-tape (BOT)— The location on a tape 
where written data begins.
block— A collection of contiguous records recorded 
as a unit. Blocks are separated by interblock gaps, 
and each block may contain one or more records.
BOT— See beginning-of-tape.
BSAM— See Basic Sequential Access Method.
buffer— A routine or storage used to compensate for 
a difference in rate of data flow, or time of 
occurrence of events, when transferring data from 
one device to another.
CA-1 (TMS)— Computer Associates Tape 
System— Third-party software by Computer 
Associates International, Inc. 
CAP— See Cartridge Access Port. 
capacity— See media capacity.