StorageTek 312564001 사용자 설명서

페이지 189
DB2 Manager User Guide 
Management of migrated rows 
A set of batch utilities is supplied with the product in order to assist in 
management of migrated rows.  The following utilities are supplied with v1.1 
of the product: 
•  Row restore utility.  This will allow migrated rows to be returned to the 
table from which they were migrated.   Customer-specified rules, using 
SQL command syntax, are used to select migrated rows for restore. 
•  Table analysis utility.  This will analyze a table which has been enabled 
for row migration, and produce a detailed or summary report on the 
contents of the table.   A detailed report will identify each row which has 
been migrated (by DB2 key), and identify the Archive Manager object 
containing the migrated row. 
•  Archive Manager database housekeeping utility.  This will process a table 
which has been enabled for row migration, and delete any objects in the 
Archive Manager database associated with the DB2 table, which no 
longer contain any active migrated rows. 
Detailed descriptions of each of the above utilities may be found in chapter 6 
of this manual. 
DB2 Manager storage configuration 
Archive Manager is used for storage and retrieval of migrated rows, so all the 
functions and benefits of the base Archive Manager product are available for 
use with DB2 Manager.   
One or more Archive Manager databases must be defined on the system for 
storage of migrated rows.   One Archive Manager database is required for 
each DB2 table which has been enabled for DB2 Manager migration 
processing.   DB2 Manager will enforce the one-for-one relationship between 
DB2 table and Archive Manager database during migration processing.    
The Archive Manager database must be defined with a primary keylength of 4 
bytes.  Each object in the database will contain one or more migrated rows – 
the maximum number of migrated rows per object is controlled via the 
OBJSIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager ENVCNTL parameter library 
member.   A migrated row will be stored as a single record within the object – 
the product does not currently include support for DB2 LOBs, so the 
maximum size of any row which is eligible for migration is 32k bytes.    
The location of a migrated row within an Archive Manager database is 
determined by the following entities: 
1.  Archive Manager database identifier.  This is a unique 4-character 
identifier established by the customer, and is used to identify a single 
Archive Manager database throughout the product.   The identifier of the 
database to be used to hold a migrated row is specified via execution 
parameter to the migration utility.