Roland JS-8 사용자 설명서

페이지 47
Convenient Functions
Via USB, you can use the JS-8 as an audio interface for commercially available  DAW software. Record audio from a connected 
guitar or mic into the  DAW, either dry or with the JS-8's effects applied.  Play back audio from the  DAW for monitoring purpos-
es, or through the JS-8's effects to "re-amp" previously recorded tracks.
Using the JS-8 with Commercial  Digital Audio Workstation ( DAW) Software
1. Connect the computer to the JS-8's USB port by a USB 
2. When the USB SELECT screen appears in the JS-8, select 
AUDIO and press [ENTER].
3. Press [MENU].
4. Select SYSTEM, and then press [ENTER].
5. Select  USB ( COMPUTER), and then press [ENTER].
Select this setting when using the 
JS-8 as a USB audio interface or 
when playing the guitar while play-
ing back songs with the computer.
Select this setting when "re-amping" 
guitar sounds that were previously 
recorded without any effects added.
Select this setting when playing the 
guitar while playing back songs with 
the computer or when using the 
computer to record guitar sounds 
with effects added.
Select this setting when playing 
audio from the computer as is.
With this setting, you cannot 
play guitar sounds directly 
through the the JS-8's speakers.
The only sound that can be 
played through the speakers is 
audio from the computer.
Select this setting when playing the 
guitar while playing back songs with 
the computer or when using the 
computer to record guitar sounds 
without any effects added.
With this setting, you can still 
monitor the guitar sound with 
effects, but the  DAW will capture 
the sound before effects are ap-
If you turn the JS-8's power off with USB  AUDIO ROUTING set 
to RE- AMP or DI RECT OFF, it will be set to DEFAULT the next 
time you turn the power on.
6. Select AUD IO ROUTING, and then press [ENTER].
7. Set the desired USB audio routing (see the table below).
8. Select the JS-8 as the audio input and audio output device 
in the D AW software you're using.
For instructions on operating the D AW software, refer to the 
owner’s manual for the D AW software you are using.
What is “ Re-Amping?”
This is a technique in which a guitar sound is recorded directly into a  DAW without any effects, then played back through 
effects later to create a finished guitar sound after the fact. The advantage of re-amping is that, even after recording, you 
can use your recorded performance as is to create new sounds. This technique is particularly advantageous if you’ve ever 
recorded your guitar with effects added, and then later realized you were unhappy with the results, or found that the gui-
tar gets “lost in the mix” after other parts are added.
With re-amping, you can focus on recording a great performance instead of worrying about getting the perfect effects 
sound. Once your performance has been recorded dry, you can then play it back through the JS-8’s effects, adjust the 
sound just the way you want it, and then record the result as a new track in the  DAW.
When you intend to record a sound dry and re-amp it later, choose GUITAR (DRY) as the JS-8’s USB audio routing. This al-
lows you to monitor the live guitar sound with effects (for inspiration during recording) while sending the dry sound to the 
 DAW software. To play recorded audio from the  DAW through the JS-8’s effects, select RE- AMP as the USB audio routing.