Motorola DSP96002 사용자 설명서

페이지 897
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This manual describes the first member of a family of dual-port IEEE floating point programmable CMOS
processors. The family concept defines a core as the Data ALU, Address Generation Unit, Program Con-
troller and associated Instruction Set. The On-Chip Program Memory, Data Memories and Peripherals sup-
port many numerically intensive applications and minimize system size and power dissipation; however,
they are not considered part of the core.
The first family member is the DSP96002. The main characteristics of the DSP96002 are support of IEEE
754 Single Precision (8 bit Exponent and 24 bit Mantissa) and Single Extended Precision (11 bit Exponent
and 32 bit Mantissa) Floating-Point and 32 bit signed and unsigned fixed point arithmetic, coupled with two
identical external memory expansion ports. Its features are listed below. 
DSP96002 Features 
IEEE 745 Standard SP (32-bit) and SEP (44 bit) Arithmetic 
16.5 Million Instructions per Second (Mips) with a 33 Mhz clock 
49.5 Million Floating Point Instructions per Second (MFLOPS) peak with a 33 Mhz 
Single-Cycle 32 x 32 Bit Parallel Multiplier 
Highly Parallel Instruction Set with Unique DSP Addressing Modes 
Nested Hardware Do Loops 
Fast Auto-Return Interrupts 
2 Independent On-Chip 512 x 32 Bit Data RAMs 
2 Independent On-Chip 1024 x 32 Bit Data ROMs 
Off-Chip Expansion to 2 x 2
 32-Bit Words of Data Memory
On-Chip 1,024 x 32 Bit Program RAM 
On-Chip 64 x 32 Bit Bootstrap ROM 
Off-Chip Expansion to 2
 32-Bit Words of Program Memory
Two Identical External Memory Expansion Ports 
Two 32-Bit Parallel Host MPU/DMA Interfaces 
On-Chip Two-Channel DMA Controller 
On-Chip Emulator