Olympus DR-1000 사용자 설명서

페이지 35
Table of Contents
Identification of Parts ............................ 4
Minimum Requirement ......................... 5
Installing DSS Player Software ............ 6
Uninstalling DSS Player Software ........ 8
Using Online Help ................................. 9
Connection to Your PC ....................... 10
Running DSS Player ........................... 11
Window Names ................................... 12
Using the Remote Edit Window ......... 13
Direct Recording ................................. 15
Playback (Playing a Dictation File) .... 18
Save Recording .................................. 20
Microphone Sensitivity ....................... 21
Recording Modes ............................... 21
Index Marks ........................................ 22
System Sounds .................................. 25
Directrec Default User ID to Directrec ... 26
Directrec Button Function Customization ... 27
Troubleshooting .................................. 32
Specifications ..................................... 33
Technical Assistance And Support ..... 33
Getting Ready
Let’s Get Started
User Support