Roland Piano 사용자 설명서

페이지 214
Recording Songs
Inputting a Chord
Press the chord. A chord will be input when you release all keys 
simultaneously. The chord will not be input as long as even one key 
remains pressed, so you can change the keys being pressed to correct 
the chord.
Inputting a Tie
After specifying the Step Time parameter for the note that you want 
to tie, press [7 (Tie)]. For example, if you want to tie a quarter note 
after a half note, input the half note, and then set the Step Time 
parameter to “
” and press [7 (Tie)].
Inputting a Rest
Set the Step Time parameter to the length of the desired rest, and 
press [8 (Rest)].
Assigning a Pattern to a Phrase 
You can create a song by combining previously recorded patterns. 
This is done using step recording to assign patterns to a phrase track. 
However, please be aware that the patterns themselves are not 
placed in the phrase track. Rather, 
Pattern Call messages
placed in the phrase track to specify which pattern should be played 
back. This means that if you later modify the contents of a pattern, 
the song playback will also be affected.
When you assign a pattern to a phrase track, its pattern beat will 
be ignored, and the pattern will use the time signature of the 
beat track. If the pattern beat and the beat track have different 
settings, the length of the measures will not match, and the 
playback may become incorrectly aligned. If this occurs, re-
specify the time signature of the beat track (p. 128).
Press [4 (Pattern)].
The following window appears.
Turn the VALUE dial or press [INC]/[DEC] to select the 
pattern number (1–100) that you want to assign to the 
phrase track.
The pattern name of the selected pattern is displayed in “Name.” 
“Beat” indicates the pattern beat, and “Length” shows the 
number of measures in the pattern.
Press [8 (Put Pattern)].
A Pattern Call message for the pattern selected by the Pattern 
parameter will be recorded. You will advance by the length of 
the measures in that pattern, and will be ready to input the next 
If you input the wrong pattern, you can press [BWD] or [6 (Step 
Back)] to delete the previously input Pattern Call message.
Repeat the above steps to assign additional patterns.
When you are finished with step recording, press [EXIT] or 
The [REC] indicator will go dark.
If you are not satisfied with the step recording that you just 
performed, press [MENU], and from the Menu window that 
appears, select “Undo Step Recording” to return to the state 
prior to recording (Undo).