Roland FR-5 사용자 설명서

페이지 114
Editing sounds | 2. TREBLE EDIT parameters
FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion
(Off, Low, Standard, High, 
Default setting: Standard) This 
parameter further adds to the 
realism of the sounds emulated 
by your FR-7/FR-5. Here, you 
can specify how strongly the pitch of the simulated 
Treble reed(s) changes when you open or close the bel-
lows faster than usual. 
If the “Standard” setting seems too mild, try “High”. If it 
is too strong, use “Low”. If you don’t want any detuning 
effect, select “Off”. The most convincing setting usually 
depends on the selected instrument(s) (see “2.1 Reed 
(0~127 for all three) Use these 
parameters to set the Reverb, Chorus 
or Delay send level (how much effect 
should be applied to the Treble sec-
tion). The higher the value you set, 
the more the Treble section is pro-
cessed by the effect in question.
It works much the same way as a 
cathedral: the louder you sing, the 
more reverb (chorus or delay) you 
hear. In the case of the cathedral, singing louder means 
that you increase the effect send level, i.e. the level of 
the signal (your voice) that will be processed by the 
acoustic environment.
The other sections (Bass, Free Bass, etc.) have the same 
parameters, so that you can create a sound image with 
various “levels” (foreground, background).
The effects themselves can be edited on separate pages 
(see p. 64).
(Off, 1/4 Down, 1/2 Down, 1/4 
Up, 1/2 Up, Default setting: Off) 
As stated earlier, the FR-7/
FR-5’s Treble keyboard also gen-
erates aftertouch messages. 
“Aftertouch” refers to the fact that you press a key even 
further down after playing a note. This effect allows 
you to bend the pitch down (temporarily lower the 
note) by a quarter (“1/4 Down”) or a semi-tone (“1/2 
Down”). Select “1/4 Up” or “1/2 Up” to bend the notes 
up a quarter or a semi-tone. Select “Off” to switch off 
the Treble section’s aftertouch recognition.
Note: This aftertouch effect applies to all notes that are sound-
ing simultaneously. If you play a chord and then only press down 
one key of the chord’s constituent notes, all notes are bent by the 
same amount. (MIDI buffs call this “channel aftertouch”.)
Here are two parameters that 
allow you specify which Bass 
and/or Orchestra Bass register/
sound are selected whenever 
you press the Treble register you 
are currently editing. That way, you only need to press 
one register instead of at least two (one Treble, one 
Bass). There are other parameters that allow you to 
associate a Treble Orchestra and/or Chord/Free Bass 
Orchestra sounds with the currently selected accordion 
register (see below).
The options for the parameters on this page are:
• BASS: No Link, Bass 1~7, Free 1~7 (This selection also 
• ORC.BASS: No Link, Acoustic, Bowed, Fingered, Fret-
less, Picked, Tuba, Tuba Mix
If you define a “Free” register, the Bass section auto-
matically switches to Free Bass mode when you press 
the Treble register while the Bass Link function is 
active. (If you define a “Bass” register, the Bass sec-
tion switches from Free Bass to Bass mode at that 
time, if necessary.)
If you also define an ORC.BASS sound (other than 
“No Link”), the Bass section automatically activates 
the Orchestra Bass part when you press the Treble 
register while the Bass Link function is active.
Select “No Link” if there should be no connection 
between the currently selected Treble register and 
the Bass or Orchestra Bass section.
Note that this automatic link is not activated when 
you define it on this page – it is merely enabled and 
“pre-set”. To activate the Bass Link function, press 
and hold down the [ORCHESTRA] register and press 
Note: Simply activating the link does nothing at all (i.e. the 
Bass/Free Bass/Orchestra Bass/Orchestra Chord/Orchestra Free 
Bass register does not change right away). You need to select 
another Treble register whose Bass Link function is on for the 
link to work.
Repeat this procedure to defeat the Bass Link func-
tion if you no longer need it.