Roland FR-7 사용자 설명서

페이지 114
 Volume-related functions
(1) While the Main page is displayed, press the [UP] 
button four times.
(2) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select either “Valve 
Level” or “Button Level”, depending on which 
parameter you want to set.
(3) Turn the [DATA÷ENTER] knob (or use the [UP]/
[DOWN] buttons) to select the desired noise level 
(Off, –40~“Std”~+40).
A negative (–) value decreases the level of the 
selected noise parameter, a positive (+) value 
increases it. Select “Std” to return to the factory 
value, and “Off” if you do not need the noise in ques-
(4) Press [EXIT÷JUMP] to return to the Main page.
Volume-related functions
The remaining “shortcuts” allow you to quickly change 
the balance of the orchestral sections. Use the [DOWN] 
button to select them.
Orchestra Volume, Orc. Bass Volume, Orc. Chord 
Volume, Orc. FBass Volume
These parameters allow you to set the volume of the 
Treble, Bass Orchestra, Orchestra Chord, and Orches-
tra Free Bass sections relative to the associated 
accordion part. See pages 27, 28, 29, and 30 for 