Roland LX-15 사용자 설명서

페이지 64
Recording the Song You’re Practicing
It’s easy to record your own performances.
You can play back a recorded performance to check your playing, or perform along with a recorded performance.
The LX-15 lets you record in the following ways.
Type of recording
SMF recording
Parts will be separate.
You can re-record a specific portion of the song.
You can overdub.
*  Normally, you should use SMF recording.
Audio recording
Your performance will be recorded as audio data. The recorded song can be used on your computer.
*  In order to use audio recording, you must connect a USB flash drive (sold separately) to the USB memory connector (p. 11).
*  Thanks to its multiple number of speakers, each of which can be used to play a different portion of the overall sound, the LX-15 is capable of 
producing piano sounds that possess great depth and seem to have three-dimensional presence. 
Such effects are produced when you play something on the keyboard, or when you play back a song that's been recorded as an SMF. However, 
when you make an audio recording, the song will consist of two channels (stereo), and such effects cannot be reproduced.
*  SMFs (Standard MIDI Files) use a standard format for music file that was formulated so that files containing music file could be widely compatible, 
regardless of the manufacturer of the listening device. An enormous variety of music is available, whether it be for listening, for practicing musical 
instruments, for Karaoke, etc.
SMF Recording
To record a new song, proceed as follows.
This method is convenient when you simply want to record your performance as easily as possible.
Getting ready to record
Select the tone that you want to use for performing (p . 14) .
Press the [
] (Rec) button .
The [
] (Rec) button will light, the [
] (Play/Stop) button will blink, and 
the LX-15 will enter recording-standby mode.
If you decide not to record, press the [
] (Rec) button once again.
If desired, sound the metronome (p . 22) .
If you change the metronome’s tempo and time signature, they will be recorded with the song, allowing the metronome to sound correctly during 
Starting/stopping recording
Press the [
] (Play/Stop) button .
A two-measure count will be heard (the measure number will be shown as “-2” 
then “-1” in the lower right of the display), and then recording will start.
When recording starts, the [
] (Rec) button and [
] (Play/Stop) button 
will light.
You can also initiate recording by simply playing the keyboard. If you initiate recording by playing the keyboard, a count will not be sounded.
Press the [
] (Play/Stop) button .
Recording will stop, and you’ll be presented with a message asking you if you want to save the performance or 
erase it.