Mitsubishi Electronics MDS-R 사용자 설명서

페이지 362
Appendix 7 Compliance with Restriction in China 
A7 - 4
Appendix 7-1-4  Application for Exemption 
Following "Announcement 8" issued by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's 
Republic of China (CNCA) in May 2002, a range of products for which application for CCC Certification 
is not required or which are exempt from CCC marking has been approved for special circumstances in 
production, export and management activities. 
An application must be submitted together with materials which prove that the corresponding product 
complies with the exemption conditions. Upon approval, a "Certification of Exemption" shall be issued. 
<Range of products for which application is exempt> 
Range of products not 
requiring application 
(a)  Items brought into China for the personal use by the foreign embassies, consulates, business 
agencies and visitors 
(Excluding products purchased from Service Company for Exporters) 
(b)  Products presented on a government-to-government basis, presents 
(c)  Exhibition products (products not for sale) 
(d)  Special purpose products (e.g., for military use) 
Products not requiring application for CCC Certification are not required to be CCC marked or 
Range of products for 
which application is 
(e)  Products imported or manufactured for research and development and testing purposes 
(f)  Products shipped into China for integration into other equipment destined for 100% re-export to a 
destination outside of China 
(g)  Products for 100% export according to a foreign trade contract (Excluding when selling partially in 
China or re-importing into China for sales) 
(h)  Components used for the evaluation of an imported product line 
The products imported or manufactured for the service (service and repairs) to the end-user. Or the 
spare parts for the service (service and repairs) of discontinued products. 
Products imported or manufactured for research and development, testing or measurements 
(k)  Other special situations 
The following documents must be prepared to apply for an exemption of the "Import Commodity Safety 
and Quality License" and "CCC Certification". 
(1) Formal 
(a)  Relevant introduction and description of the company. 
(b)  The characteristics of the products to be exempted. 
(c)  The reason for exemption and its evidence (ex. customs handbook). 
(d)  The name, trademark, quantity, model and specification of the products to be exempted. 
(Attach a detail listing of these items for a large quantity of products. When importing materials 
for processing and repair equipments, submit a list of the importing materials for each month 
and repair equipments.) 
(e)  Guarantee for the safety of the products; self-declaration to be responsible for the safety during 
the manufacturing and use. 
(f)  To be responsible for the authenticity and legitimacy of the submitted documents. Commitment 
to assist CNCA to investigate on the authenticity of the documents (When CNCA finds it 
necessary to investigate on the authenticity of the documents.) 
(2)  Business license of the company (Copy) 
(3)  Product compliance declaration 
Indicate which standard’s requirements the products comply with or submit a test report (Copy is 
acceptable. The report can be prepared in a manufacturer’s laboratory either at home or overseas.) 
(4)  Import license (Only if an import license is needed for this product. Copy is acceptable.) 
(5)  Quota certificate (Only if a quota certificate is needed for this product. Copy is acceptable.) 
(6)  Commercial contract (Copy is acceptable.) 
(7)  If one of item (4), (5) or (6) cannot be provided, alternative documents, such as bill of lading, the 
invoice, and other evidential documents must be submitted.