Texas Instruments TINSPIRECX 사용자 설명서

페이지 56
TI-Nspire Keypad Layout .................................................................................................. Page 5
Tutorial 1
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TI-Nspire Documents: basic ideas 
•  Memory
•  Battery Life
•  Documents, problems, pages, applications and home screen 
•  Use of / key and keyboard shortcuts
•  Home Screen
•  Scratchpad
•  Document Browser to navigate around documents and folders
•  Page Sorter to navigate inside documents
•  Different menus in different contexts
•  The Document menu
Tutorial 2
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The Calculator application: arithmetic and algebra
•  Basic calculations
•  Standard layout of expressions
•  Recalling previous expressions and results
•  Approximate (decimals) and exact (fractions) evaluations
•  Templates and menus
•  Document settings
•  Defining and using variables
•  Working with Statistical Distributions
Tutorial 3
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The Notes application
•  Purposes of the application
•  Page layouts with split screens
•  Templates for the Notes menu
•  Using Interactive Notes
•  Creating Questions using the Teacher Software
Tutorial 4
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•  The work area, entry line, function history
•  Entering, editing, deleting and hiding functions
•  Grabbing and dragging labels
•  Setting the axes
•  Tracing along graphs
•  Marking and labelling points and coordinates
•  Using the Analyse Graph Tools
•  Transforming graphs and their functions manually
•  Using Sliders
•  Sequence Plotting
First Steps with TI-Nspire
© 2012 Texas Instruments Education Technology  
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