Borland Kylix Professional 3 HDB7030WWCS180 전단

제품 코드
페이지 2
Leverage new and existing C/C++ source code and programming
skills. Build high-performance applications using component-based
development more rapidly. Import Web Services and add them to
your application functionality more easily.
Deliver GUI, database, Web, and Web Services
applications in one integrated environment
Develop applications faster with real rapid visual development. 
Kylix 3 seamlessly integrates application design and development,
enabling you to create sophisticated Linux applications faster and
more reliably than with other visual development tools. Quickly
move from prototype to production with a unique combination of
integrated features that include visual design tools, the Borland
CLX™ (Component Library for Cross-platform), an advanced code
editor with CodeInsight,™ a fully integrated graphical debugger, and
a native code compiler, all fine-tuned to work together for the
development of high performance GUI, database, Web, and Web
Services applications.
Get solutions to market faster with Borland CLX
component based development 
Using the power of component-based development with Borland CLX
technology, you can build reliable, high-performance applications
rapidly. CLX delivers a comprehensive palette of hundreds of
reusable, customizable, and extendable pre-built components, and
classes, for rapidly building applications with C++ or Delphi language
programming. Easily leverage the pre-built functionality of CLX to
build completely new custom components and solutions or integrate
third-party CLX components into the Kylix palette. Because CLX is
integrated with the built-in two-way visual development tools,
building applications with components is fast, simple, and intuitive. 
Open up new markets by leveraging the power of cross-
platform development
Use Kylix 3 to build native applications for Linux that can be easily
recompiled and delivered on the Windows
platform for expanded
application marketability and availability. Applications and Web
Services written in Kylix 3 can be quickly ported to the Windows
platform simply by compiling with Borland C++Builder™6, Delphi™6,
or Delphi 7 Studio, offering a significantly increased return on
investment. Kylix is not only cross-platform compatible, but it is also
compatible across servers: develop dynamic, high-performance
server-side Web applications for Apache™on Linux, and easily
recompile them with Delphi or C++Builder for Apache, Microsoft
IIS, or Netscape
Web Server on Windows. 
“At last a high-performance, full-feature C++ RAD environment for Linux! Kylix 3 offers developers,
especially those already familiar with C++Builder, the number one solution for building cross-platform
applications for Windows and Linux quickly and easily!”
Sean McCune, President for Red Hand Software, Inc.
100 Enterprise Way 
Scotts Valley, California 95066-3249
Tel. 831-431-1000
Made in Borland® Copyright © 2003 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved. All Borland brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Borland Software
Corporation in the United States and other countries. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All
other marks are the property of their respective owners. Corporate Headquarters: 100 Enterprise Way, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-3249 • 831-431-1000 • • Offices in: Australia,
Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Spain,
Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. • 20310