Compex Technologies WPE54 사용자 설명서

페이지 137
Chapter 4 
Common Configuration 
This table describes the parameters that can be modified in the Management Port 
IP Address 
The LAN IP address of the access point is set by default to  
When the DHCP server of the AP is enabled (unless you set a different DHCP 
Gateway IP Address
), this LAN IP Address would also be allocated as the 
Default Gateway of the DHCP client. 
Network Mask 
The Network Mask serves to identify the subnet in which the access point resides. 
The default network mask is 
Gateway IP 
(Optional) The Management Gateway here acts as the equivalent of the Default 
Gateway of a PC, to allow the access point to communicate with devices on 
different subnets. For instance, if you want to access the unit from the Internet or 
from a router on the LAN, you can set the IP address of the router as the 
Management Gateway IP
The Management Gateway IP address of the access point is set to nil by default. 
The next two fields (DHCP Start IP Address and DHCP End IP Address) allow you to define the range 
of IP addresses from which the DHCP Server can assign an IP address to the LAN. 
DHCP Start IP 
This is the first IP address that the DHCP server will assign. The value that you 
input here should belong to the same subnet as the access point. For example, if 
the IP address and network mask of the access point are and respectively, the DHCP Start IP Address should be 192.168.168.X, 
where X can take any value from 2 to 254. It is pre-set to
This is the last IP address that the DHCP server can assign. It should also 
belong to the same subnet as the access point. For instance, if the IP address and 
network mask of the access point are and 
respectively, the DHCP End IP Address should be 192.168.168.X, where X can 
take any value from 2 to 254. It is pre-set as 
DHCP Gateway IP 
Though usually, the DHCP server also acts as the Default Gateway of the DHCP 
client, the access point gives you the option to define a different DHCP Gateway 
IP Address
, which will be allocated as the Default Gateway of the DHCP client. 
The DHCP client will thus receive its dynamic IP address from the access point 
but will access to the Internet or to the other LAN through the Default Gateway 
defined by the DHCP Gateway IP Address.  
For instance, when the unit is used in Access Point Client mode and connects to 
an Internet gateway, 
, a PC wired to the access point will be unable to obtain a 
dynamic IP address directly from 
.  But if you enable the DHCP server of the 
access point and set the 
 as the DHCP Gateway IP Address, the PC will then 
obtain its IP address from the access point and access the Internet through