Lucent Technologies 6000 사용자 설명서

페이지 586
Configuring WAN Access
Configuring MAXDAX
MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
channel you configure, the Ch N parameter to Switched and the Ch N ChanGroup parameter to 
a value from 1–65536. These parameters function as follows:
When finished configuring channels, save these changes, and exit the profile.
If the profile you have configured is not the active profile, activate it as described in 
“Activating a profile” on page 2-7.
Configuring channels on which the MAX unit receives calls
To configure a channel on which the MAX unit receives incoming calls, you must specify a 
destination channel-group. When the unit receives a call, it makes an outgoing call on the first 
available channel assigned to the destination channel-group number you specify. You can 
assign any number of channels to a channel group.
Make sure you do not direct the unit to make an outbound call on the same channel on 
which it receives the call.
If you configure the unit to use direct mapping, a specific Dial Plan profile, or a caller-defined 
Dial Plan profile, you must set some or all of the following parameters:
You set additional parameters if you configure an Answer Plan profile.
How it’s used
Ch N
N is a number representing a channel. For each channel used for 
outbound calls, you must set Ch N to Switched, or MAXDAX does not 
Ch N ChanGroup
Assigns channel to a group. When the MAX unit receives a call, it 
compares the value of the Ch N Dest ChanGroup parameter of the 
incoming channel to the value of the Ch N ChanGroup parameters of 
the available outgoing channels, and places the call on the first 
outgoing channel that matches. 
How it’s used
Ch N
N is a number representing a channel. For each channel you 
configure for incoming calls, you must set Ch N to Switched, or 
MAXDAX does not function.
Ch N Dest ChanGroup
Specifies the channel-group number to which the unit directs the 
outgoing call. You assign channels to groups, to be used for 
outgoing calls, by setting the Net/T1 (E1) > Line Config > Line 
Config profile
 > Line N > Net2Net ChanGroup ID > Ch N 
ChanGroup parameter.
Ch N Dial Plan #
Specifies a Dial Plan profile the unit applies to calls received on 
this channel.
Ch N #DialPlanSelDigits
Specifies the number of leading digits the unit strips from the 
called number. The unit uses stripped digits to determine the Dial 
Plan profile to use for the received call.