HP (Hewlett-Packard) 1200s 사용자 설명서

페이지 20
Updates to the WebUI
Service Release 2 adds no new functionality to Service Release 1, 
only bug fixes. The following list includes new functionality 
included in Service Release 1 and Service Release 2.
Updates to the WebUI require the installation of Microsoft 
hotfix KB824024, “Win32 DiskDrivePartion Class Does Not Return 
Extended Partition Information.” This hotfix is installed with the WebUI 
component during installation.
Disk and volume management
Mount—Allows the user to change the current mount point 
for a specific volume. The user can specify a drive letter for a 
mount point or an empty directory.
Format—Allows the user to format the volume through the 
WebUI. Adjustable parameters are the Volume Label and 
User Allocation Size.
Removable Mount Point—Allows the user to remove the 
mount point of the volume through the WebUI.
Properties—Displays the properties of a select volume. 
Properties include Disk volume resides onvolume label
mount pointsfile systemsizefree spacevolume typeand 
allocation unit size