ZyXEL Communications NSA-2401 사용자 설명서

페이지 362
NSA-2401 User’s Guide
Sharing Screens
8.1  Overview
Use the NSA’s Sharing screens to manage user accounts, groups of users, and shares.
8.1.1  What You Can Do In The Sharing Screens
• Create and manage user accounts. See 
 for details.
• Create and manage groups. See 
 for details.
• Create and manage shares. See 
 for details.
8.1.2  What You Need to Know About The Sharing Screens
Local User/Group
A local user or group is one created on the NSA when the NSA is in workgroup mode. (A 
workgroup is a collection of computers on a Windows network that can share files, printers, 
Internet access, and so on.)
Domain User/Group
A domain user or group is created on a centralized Windows-based domain controller. This list 
is used by the NSA when authenticating accounts and/or groups that seek access to a share.
If a user belongs to different groups with different access rights to the same share, then the 
more restrictive access right applies. That is, deny access overrides read access and read-write 
access. For example, let’s say that user Joe belongs to the Sales group. He has read access to 
the MIS share. The Sales group is denied access to the MIS share, however. Therefore, Joe is 
also denied access to it due to the fact that he’s in a more restrictive group.
More restrictive access rights override less restrictive ones.
In Conflict
A user account is “in conflict” when the account name that exists on a network-attached 
storage device also exists on the domain controller. See 
 for more.